No More Piles

Three Things No One Wants to Organize

Usually, I love to organize anything I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, I have found over the 14 years that I have been in business that there are 3 things no one wants to organize, but they are three critical situations that need the most organizing. They are: Surgery, Long term illness and Injury. These three situations often cause disorganization within a household. The disorganization adds stress, clutter and extra work to an already stressful situation.

These situations can come as a surprise, but during your lifetime, you will encounter at least one of them, so it is best to do a little research and get organized now so that you can be prepared.

The first area that we see fall into chaos when life throws us a curve ball is paperwork. I highly recommend that you put as many bills as possible on automatic payment which will reduce the paper bills coming into the house. Second, make a list of the monthly bills with account numbers and monthly due dates. This will allow a spouse, parent or child to easy know what to look for.
If any of the above happens, it usually involves lots of medical paperwork. Getting a separate file box for just these papers will make your life easier for both filing and matching up the bills with the insurance forms. A small file box like this one or even a rolling cart will help you with easy access and portability. In the event of a long term illness or surgery with long recovery, having a rolling file cart that can be wheeled will allow you to have a mini-office near the bed or couch to keep you productive (if you want to be).

Don’t Keep Secrets
Somewhere on your computer or on paper, you should have a list of any medications that you are on, who your doctors are and your computer passwords. A trusted friend or family member should have access to this information. This information can allow that person to pay bills, check your calendar or email to reschedule or cancel appointments and give your doctors up-to-date information.

Research Services
Even if you think you won’t need them, make a few phone calls or do some internet research on grocery delivery places, home health care agencies, transportation services, pet sitters/walkers, home cleaning services, so that you have an idea of what is available to you and what it takes to get started. You can probably get groceries the next day, but getting nursing care or a home health aide may take several days to set up. This is especially important if you are dealing with an aging parent and don’t live close enough to help easily. is a great place to start finding service providers with reviews from customers.

Ditch Your Pride
Reducing stress will help you heal faster or maintain your health longer. If you have family or friends that want to help you, LET THEM! Make a list of all the things that you want to have done and ask them to pick something off the list. It could be as easy as bringing you your favorite soup or watering your plants or picking your kids up from school or practice. People often feel helpless when someone they love is sick or hurt and they really want to help. It makes them feel good that are doing something to help no matter how small. Letting them help will reduce your stress and keep your household from going into chaos while you get healthy. There are even websites like,, or to easily coordinate whatever a family needs, allows people to sign up for what they can do and sends reminders.
If you don’t want to rely on the kindness of family and friends, hire help. Concierge Services, Professional Organizers and Daily Money Managers can help with many of these tasks. You can find these on and

Your Physical Space
Depending on your needs, you may need to rearrange your home to accommodate your injury or illness. You may need to make wider paths in your home for a walker, crutches or a wheel chair. You may need to clear a room to set up a hospital bed. In addition to accommodations for your physical well being, you may need a guest room set up for overnight family and friend helpers.
A little planning and forethought can go a long way in alleviating some of the stress involved in highly stressful situations like surgery, long term illnesses and injuries. Asking for advice and recommendations from friends or family members who have gone through similar situations or doing some research can help you take a little control over the uncontrollable.

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