No More Piles

Top Tips for Managing the Flu

The arrival of old man winter also brings with it peak flu season.  How can you keep yourself and family healthy during this time? Here are our top tips for managing the flu.

We all know the basics of washing our hands frequently with soap and water, coughing and/or sneezing into our elbows or a tissue, staying home or keeping your distance from others when sick and to disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school.  Many local food/retail stores also offer wipes to disinfect shopping carts for your health and convenience. 

What are some other ways of keeping your health in check?  Some of you might be feeling run down after the holiday rush and getting back into a routine of work or school with your families.  Here are a few tips to assist:

If you or a family member does become ill, here are a few tips to assist in keeping the rest of the family healthy.  Gather some items to put into a “health kit.”

Health Kit items:

Keep in mind the symptoms one may have while being ill with the flu – fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches and/or fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea.  You could also keep any over-the-counter or homeopathic remedies for these types of symptoms in your kit.  Be sure to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth while caring for someone whom may be ill before washing your hands thoroughly and disinfect doorknobs or any other shared surfaces throughout your home.  A humidifier could be helpful to the person whom is sick as well.  The No More Piles team wishes you and your family a happy and healthy rest of winter.  Bring on Spring!

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