
Get ready for outdoor activities!

Get ready for outdoor activities!

Spring is finally here and it is time to take out the ice scrapers and snow gear of your car and repack it to the rainy and warmer season. Whether you are the outdoors person or you will spend hours shuttling kids to various outdoor activities, you need to stock your car for spring.
We recommend that you get a large tote to keep everything inside.  There are two that we recommend.  One, is the Smartworks Pop-Up Organizer  ($25 on Amazon) and the other is Thirty One large Utility Tote ($35 on Thirty

• This will avoid having your things spilled all over the car
• Easy to move to another car or take it out of you need the extra space
• Easy to bring inside and restock it after a busy week

Here is our must have list:
• First aid kit: bandaids, single use ice packs, antiseptic wash, allergy relief medicine (aka Benadryl. Also good to have on hand for bee stings), pain reliever, athletic tape
• Sunscreen & bug spray
• Water
• Emergency snacks: power bars (regular Lara bars are good since they don’t melt), peanut butter crackers, fruit crushers and other non-melting items
• Wipes and tissues
• Trash bags: multifunctional item!!! Put the muddy, wet clothes in it; use it for sitting on if the ground is wet; or even wear it as a poncho if it rains.
• Hair ties for those with longer hair

car organizer unpacked

If you have young kids or babies, you may want to add extra diapers and change of clothes. You should also keep these other items in your car or handy in the garage to use them on sports days:
• Folding chair
• Blanket
• Hats and/or sunglasses

Being ready helps you to enjoy more of the springtime weather and be prepared for unexpected events. When you are dealing with kids, it is NEVER a bad idea to be prepared for the inevitable, unexpected events.

Car organizer packed

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